Virtual Swag Bag

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Virtual Swag Bag 3
Virtual Swag Bag 4
Virtual Swag Bag
Virtual Swag Bag 1
Virtual Swag Bag 2

Turn on your Boombox!

Advice from Speakers

Brandi Blessett

“Be introspective. Learn from yourself and the people around you. Always find ways to do better and be better!”



Demetrius “D” Parker

“To thy own-self be true. Trust is everything.”





T.C. Broadnax

“Have a career roadmap; focus on excellence at everything you do; stay true to yourself and manage your brand.”



Dr. Seba Bishu

“The ability to adopt is probably a core quality of a 21st century manager.”





Dr. Brenda J. Allen

“Become a lifelong learner about how to be an inclusive leader. Cultivate qualities such as courage, humility, self-awareness, cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence, and radical inclusion.”

Erika Martinez

“Learn to be both a leader and a manager because both are necessary in order to succeed.”




Summer Nettles

“Listen empty and get full. If you come to every conversation knowing everything you won’t learn anything. “



Brenda Reitnour

“Your main job is to support your team in supporting the mission of your organization. Learn who they are as individuals and what they need to do their best work. Start from a place of gratitude for what they bring to the table. “

Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler

“The goal is not perfection; it is excellence.”





Sarah Moss

Be brave. Most times the answer to “What’s the worst that can happen?” is “Nothing you can’t handle.”

— Candy Crowley, former CNN anchor and chief political correspondent


Roberto Montoya

“Use your ears proportional to your mouth.”





Must Read List

Dr. Brandi Blessett

Assata: An Autobiography

By Assata Shakur and Angela Davis

“As a teenager reading this book opened my eyes
to systemic injustice and it has fueled my passion
to be a change agent.”


Demetrius Parker


By Morag Barrett

“Relationships are important and allies even more so”



T.C. Broadnax

Leading Change

By John Kotter

“The author paints a realistic picture for the process of
real organizational change that is transformational.”


Dr. Seba Bishu

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning 

By Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel

“I choose this book because it is really helpful for anyone
who wants to grow and become a better learner.”


Dr. Brenda J. Allen

The Four Agreements 

By Don Miguel Ruiz

“It is an excellent, practical guide for personal
growth based on ancient Toltec wisdom.”

Also recommended by Congressman Joe Neguse/Erika Martinez

Summer Nettles

The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

“The Alchemist is a story about a young man who goes in search of a treasure and discovers his strength. It’s the book that taught me success is falling down seven times, but getting up eight. I’ve held this mantra close to my heart on days when I want to give in and must make the choice, and the effort, to get up. It reminds me of what my Dad always told me as a kiddo. “If it was easy everybody would do it,” he’d say.”


Brenda Reitnour

The Gifts of Imperfection

By Brene Brown




Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler

The Cathedral Within

By Bill Shore

“I love the rich characters and the deliberate sense
of place John Irving creates. I love his work and
this one is his best.”


Sarah Moss

Designing Your Life

By Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

“You control than you might think!”



Roberto Montoya

The Fire Next Time 

By James Baldwin.

“I just love the epistolary format and sobering
honesty to his young nephew about
the state of our nation.”

Book Club

Grab your book and join us for our next, virtual CCCMA book club.

We will discuss Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein. The book discusses how government policies at every level have reinforced segregation in America throughout history. CLICK HERE to sign up. 

Don’t have time to read the book? Still join us for a great discussion!