Child Care

Town of Parker-

We placed portable sinks at all our parks that have playgrounds or playing fields (depending on size of park 1 or 2 sinks from a port-a-potty company).  They will be serviced twice per week with the possibility of going to three times depending on the use. The PaP company will do the servicing of each unit, removing waste water, filling fresh water tank, filling soap dispensers, general cleaning, and repairs. Our intent is to keep them until the practice of social distancing requirements lift.

Playgrounds and furnishings are being disinfected.  We’re using a product called Re-Juv-Nal, a series of ammonium chloride active ingredients.  This product is listed on the CDC website as effective in killing Coronavirus. We still intend to move to Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide once we get it in stock (because this does not build up a residue and does not require a rinse at all).