
CCCMA has ample opportunities for our members to connect on their passions. If you are interested in joining a group, please contact staff.

Standing Committees

CWLG: Reaching the Summit Conference
Colorado Women Leading Government is committed to advancing the role of women and helping them succeed in the public sector. The mission of CWLG is to provide holistic professional development, networking, and career building opportunities that allow women to succeed in public service. CWLG activities are funded by CCCMA. More…
CCCMA Committees and Groups
The COVLG has come together in collaboration with the Colorado City and County Management Association (CCCMA), with many of its initial members being military veterans who have made exemplary contributions to their nation, and are now strengthening local government through their continued service. More…
The Emerging Managers are local government professionals who are committed to developing leaders prepared to succeed in city and county management positions in Colorado. More…

Other Committees and Groups

Helping shape our annual conference, this committee meets once a month. If you would like to be on this committee please contact staff.

In August 2020, CCCMA formed the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force to address the following goals:

  • Goal: Increase diversity in our membership.
  • Goal: Support people once they are in (inclusion).
  • Goal: CCCMA is committed to providing education around diversity, equity and inclusion. 

If you are interested in joining this Task Force, please contact staff. 

The Engagement Team was formed in August 2020 to help address the engagement challenges faced by CCCMA. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact staff. 

If you are interested in collecting and sharing best practices and case studies, please contact staff. 

A committee to recommend scholarships offered by the Association based on an evaluation of submitted applications. The committee consists of the President, the Emerging Manager Representative, and three (3) Members of the Association. The President shall appoint the three (3) Members of the Association, and at least one (1) of these slots shall be filled by a Member of the Association who is not on the Board of Directors. The Executive Director of the Association will participate as an ex-officio, non-voting member of this committee. The Scholarship Committee will provide an annual report to the Board on awarded scholarships. Interest in joining this committee please contact staff.

A committee of the President and no less than two additional Members to advise ICMA for its official listing of members. At the request of ICMA, the Ethics Committee shall evaluate and provide confidential reports to ICMA on an ICMA investigation of a City or County Manager. At the request of the CCCMA or ICMA Board of Directors, the Ethics Committee shall evaluate and provide confidential reports to the Board on an investigation of any member of the Association. Contact staff to get involved.

Every 3 years, a committee comprised of the President-Elect and 2 other members, shall review and suggest any changes/updates to the Board. Accepted changes shall be placed on that year’s Board of Directors’ ballot.