Tell us where time and effort should be focused. Let us know which area should be the highest priority.
Membership engagement can make more meaningful progress on these strategic priorities that support will the profession.
Review the four primary areas, vote for a top priority. Volunteer to help for any and all, lean In!
Mentoring & Coaching
Let’s create a formal mentoring program and opportunities for career connections.
Click Here for mentoring to be the #1 priority.
Diversity & Inclusion
Identify actions that could support diversity and inclusion.
Click Here for diversity and inclusion to be the #1 priority.
Researching Membership Services
What are the skills and competencies needed at every career level? What are those levels!?
Click Here for this research and application to be the #1 priority.
Case Studies & Best Practices
How do members share success stories and lessons learned with each other? What if there was a “library” of best practices?
Click Here for case studies/best practices to be the #1 priority.