2025 Annual Conference Thursday

Thursday, April 24

Registration All Day
Taft Room

7:30 am – 8:15 am

BREAKFAST: Meet with colleagues and enjoy breakfast
ROOM: Lobby
COFFEE AND UNCONFERENCING: For Assistants and Deputies
ROOM: Roosevelt

8:30 am – 9:30 am

Keynote Speaker: Jason Youngblood, CIGNA

Navigating the Burdening Challenges of the Behavioral Health Epidemic
ROOM:  Devereaux

9:30 am – 10:00 am


10:00 am – 10:45 am


ROOM: Devereaux

SESSION TWO: Regional Housing Strategies

Developing strategies that individual communities can explore to work in partnership with neighboring jurisdictions.
PRESENTER: City of Littleton: Kathleen Osher, Deputy City Manager & Julie Lathan, Housing Policy Analyst
PANEL: tbd
ROOM:  Roosevelt

SESSION THREE: Compressed Workweek (4/32 Pilot) – Results & Lessons Learned

What is a compressed workweek, what are the impacts, and lessons learned in the rollout.
PRESENTERS: City of Golden: Scott Vargo, City Manager; Carly Lorentz, Deputy City Manager;  Kristen Meier, Human Resources Director; and Joe Harvey. Police Chief
ROOM:  Colorado

11:00 am – 11:45 am



ROOM:  Devereaux

SESSION TWO:  Volunteerism & Interest Groups: Two Ways to Help Staff Engage with Other

 The EngleCares program provides a structure for employees to volunteer for a local nonprofit organizations
PRESENTER:   Tim Dodd, Deputy City Manager Englewood
ROOM: Roosevelt

SESSION THREEAccelerating Policies and Programs for Community Resilience and Emissions Reductions

Overview of multi-sector incentives and policies for local governments to elevate community health and resilience
PRESENTERS:  Colorado Energy Office: Adam Berry and Brittney Vancuran
ROOM:  Colorado

11:45 pm – 1:00 pm

CONFERENCE LUNCH: Meet with colleagues and enjoy a grab and go lunch

ROOM: Colorado Room

CWLG LUNCH: (pre ticketed event)

Keynote Speaker: Nicole Sterling, My Town AI
Women and AI – Bridging the Gender Gap + Accelerating Innovation by Building TogetHER
ROOM: Devereaux

1:00 pm – 1:45 pm

SESSION ONE: Creating Resilient, Inclusive Civic Spaces: Northglenn’s NetZero City Hall Story

PRESENTERS: Mara Owen, Sustainability Coordinator; Heather Geyer, City Manager; Brook Svoboda, Director of Planning and Development
ROOM: Devereaux


ROOM: Roosevelt

SESSION THREE: Emergency Management Panel

PRESENTERS:  Stefen Wynn
ROOM: Colorado

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm


ROOM: Devereaux

SESSION  TWO: Roadmap to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Your Community

Attendees will receive valuable insights into EV charging infrastructure, funding opportunities, and realistic expectations for charging revenues and community benefits.
PRESENTERS: Oscar Rangel, Veregy and Scott Wisner
ROOM: Roosevelt

SESSION THREE: Innovating from Within: AI Solutions for Local Government Challenges – A Joint Presentation by the Town of Nederland and My Town AI

Firsthand experiences from the development and implementation of AI solutions tailored not just to local government needs, but small local government needs.
PRESENTERS: Jonathan Cain, Town of Nederland and Nichole Sterling, My Town AI
ROOM: Colorado

2:45 pm – 3:30 pm

EXHIBIT BREAK: Visit our Partners and Sponsors in the exhibit area. There will be giveaways and useful information for your organizations!

3:30 pm – 4:15 pm

SESSION ONE: Vibe-checking Your City: How Branding, Storytelling, and Placemaking Enhance Your City’s Identity.

City leaders will see how to take care of their community brand, transforming it into a dynamic identity that leaves a lasting impact.
PRESENTER: Slate Communications, Kim Newcomer CEO, Founder
ROOM: Devereaux

SESSION TWO: Keeping Citizens Informed – How Parker Responded to an Initiative to Cut Sales Tax

Parker multifaceted citizen engagement campaign in response to a citizen initiative to remove sales tax assessed on food
PRESENTERS: Michelle Kivela, Town Manager; Michael Lawson, Assistant Town Manager – Operations; Emily Hogan, Administration
ROOM:  Roosevelt

SESSION THREE: Inclusive Leadership in Action

PRESENTER: Brian Staley, Adams County
Attendees will explore practical strategies and learn how inclusive leadership enhances all styles of leadership
ROOM: Colorado

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm

DEI Mixer
ROOM: Garden/Veranda

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

ROOM: Patio (weather dependent)

6:45 pm – 8:30 pm

Pre Registration Required